When searching for a veterinary facility, you should expect high-quality care and excellent service. Our goal has been to assemble a team committed to providing exceptional client service and veterinary health care. Our commitment to you is to continue to offer our world-class service and state-of-the-art veterinary facility.
Your pet's annual veterinary check-up will include a total physical exam and a thorough investigation of your pet from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail. Like you, your pet can lose teeth due to decay and neglect. Because even the most cooperative pet may not readily go along with tooth and gum brushing, an annual cleaning by your veterinarian may be in order.
In our area and climate, paying particular attention to internal and external parasites and signs of allergic disease is necessary. Fleas, ticks, and heartworms are parasites of particular importance in our area. Mosquitos transmit heartworm disease, so pets should be protected from heartworms even during winter.
Fecal parasites are prevalent internal parasites (particularly among puppies and kittens), and pets infested with worms generally shed parasite eggs into the environment. Since internal and external parasites can share certain diseases with people, preventing them is key, particularly for people with weaker immune systems or those undergoing immune system suppression.
It is a good idea to keep an accurate medical diary of the procedures and vaccinations your pet receives at the vet and notes on things like your pet's habits and any physical changes or unusual occurrences. Keep track of small shifts in your pet's behavior, including urinary marking habits, mood swings, and diet and routine modifications. Seemingly unrelated occurrences may help to explain the results of your pet's medical tests. Also, if you move to a new area, having a journal to provide a complete medical history is good.
Choose a veterinarian who is calm, compassionate, and willing to explain all the procedures your pet undergoes. Try to find a vet with whom you and your pet feel comfortable. Try to make it convenient, and choose a clinic with qualified staff and facilities to undertake surgery and perform procedures requiring anesthesia, such as teeth cleaning. Because of the general risks inherent to anesthesia, especially for very old, very young, or very ill pets, your veterinarian will likely suggest a few diagnostic exams, which may include bloodwork, urine analysis, and a chest X-ray, before your pet is anesthetized. Which tests are appropriate for your pet will be discussed beforehand, and your approval will be received before they are performed. During the procedure, pets might need an IV drip, with antibiotics sometimes necessary before and/or after a procedure.
Dr. Mullen may sometimes refer you to a specialist. A veterinarian specialist has completed advanced studies in specialties such as internal medicine, surgery, dermatology, ophthalmology, and emergency care. A specialist can provide additional expertise if a pet must undergo a specialty procedure that requires more precise knowledge and experience.
Animal Health Services offers patient form(s) online so you can complete them conveniently in your home or office.
Animal Health Services is aware of the vast amount of information available on the Internet. Our team has taken the time to evaluate the following sites. We trust the information the listed websites provide to you, our clients, and family members.
American Animal Hospital Association
American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine
American Kennel Club
American Veterinary Medical Association
Center for Veterinary Medicine- U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Start your pet’s care with ease. Call (662) 328-2821 or visit Animal Health Services in Columbus, MS, to access our new patient resources today!
Phone: (662) 328-2821
After-Hours Emergencies Call: (662) 325-1351
Address: 886 N Lehmberg Rd., Columbus, MS, 39702
Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 7:30 am - 12:00 pm, 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Wednesday 7:30 am - 12:00 pm
Sat - Sun Closed