Pet Dermatology Services in Columbus, MS

The veterinary professionals at Animal Health Services have provided pet owners in Columbus, MS, with pet dermatology services for many years. If your pet suffers from an unknown skin issue, our veterinarian will diagnose and treat it. Read on to learn more about veterinary dermatology.

Symptoms of Skin Conditions in Dogs

Itching is the number one symptom of a skin issue and is also the easiest to spot. If your pet is scratching frequently for an extended period, contact a veterinarian. Other symptoms of pet skin issues include:

  • Sores, Scabs, or Lesions on the Skin
  • Dry, Scaly, or Flaky Skin
  • Dandruff in the Coat
  • A Rash or Series of Lumps
  • Redness and Irritation on the Skin
  • Patches of Hair Loss in the Dog’s Coat

Monitoring Your Dog for Skin Problems

Regularly assess your pet’s skin and coat to see if you can find any of the above symptoms. You may still detect skin issues even if your pet is not regularly scratching. From unseen rashes to small bumps to observing the beginnings of hair loss, regular checks can give you a great start to ensuring that you find problems quickly before they turn into more significant issues.

Keep a journal of when you see your dog scratching. Is it mainly after they go outside? After mealtime? This can help our vet determine whether it is allergies or something else causing your pet's skin to become irritated. Putting in the time of day can also be a great source of information that can help our veterinarian make the correct diagnosis. The more information you can give our veterinarian, the better we will be able to alleviate your pet's discomfort.

Itchy Skin & Ear Infections

Perhaps your pet woke up from a sound sleep to start scratching. If the ears look and smell strange, your pet must go to the veterinarian's office. At Animal Health Services in Columbus, Dr. Mullen looks at the most common causes of pet skin and ear infections.


The most common sign of allergies in pets is itchy skin. If the itch gets on or in the ears, your pet's constant scratching may cause an ear infection. Your vet can treat many kinds of allergies. Other signs of allergies in pets include:

  • Rashes
  • Bald Spots
  • Open Wounds or Sores
  • Swollen Skin or Hives
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Noisy Breathing
  • Runny Nose or Eyes
  • Sneezing or Coughing More Than Usual


Although this might sound like a worm infestation, it is a fungal infection. Ringworm causes bald spots with bright red or pink edges or rings. It is highly contagious to other pets and people. Fortunately, it can be successfully treated with medication, creams, and medicated shampoos from your vet. You must also clean your home to kill all fungal spores that cause ringworm.


There are two types of mange: demodectic and sarcoptic. Sarcoptic mange is contagious to other pets and people. Both types of mange are caused by tiny mites that tunnel into your pet's skin. Mange needs treatment from your vet, usually in medicated shampoos, dips, and oral medications, but injectable medication may be necessary for severe cases. Pets often scratch their skin open, so your pet may need to go on antibiotics.


Fleas are a common cause of itchy skin. If they bite the ears, they can cause your pet to scratch so severely that an infection sets in. Many pets are allergic to flea saliva, so they develop signs of allergies. Fleas, as well as ticks, can be prevented with medication from your vet. Fleas can be successfully treated with medication and by cleaning your home. Regular vacuuming has proven to kill fleas and laundry in hot water. Exterminators are usually only needed for nasty infestations.

Yeast Infections

If your pet smells like yeast, scratches, or has greasy skin or fur, it will likely suffer from a yeast infection called yeast dermatitis. The good news is that yeast infections are often quickly cleared up with oral medication and medicated shampoos from your vet.

Say Goodbye to Your Pet’s Skin Troubles

You can trust us to care for your pet's dermatological health; call (662) 328-2821 to schedule a consultation with Animal Health Services in Columbus, MS.

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